...and Renée Brode's ex-quisitely detailed lighting that echoed dim -candlelight and rainy dusk. read more
-D.L. Groover, Houston Press
...simple and elegant set, lit by Renée Brode with touches of speckled turquoise light. The design and technical details in this production are a lesson in how to do something quite arresting, with virtually nothing. And that is quite an accomplishment. read more
- Colm Magner, The Guardian
Renée Brode's lighting is pinpoint in its precision for each area. read more
- Paula Citron, The Globe and Mail
Renée Brode’s lighting design, sometimes intense and emotional, most of the time playful and spectacular, likewise exploited the extensive capabilities of the new lighting system... read more
- Cindy Lapeña, Creativity Unleashed